Best Practice: Law Firm Succession - Practice Continuation Agreements
Asked and Answered
By John W. Olmstead, MBA, Ph.D, CMC
Q. I am a 55-year-old sole practitioner in Chicago. I have two staff employees. I have recently been thinking about what I would do if I became sick or disabled? How would I take care of my clients and my employees? Would you share your thoughts in this regard?
A. While many lawyers and law firms are beginning to think about long range succession issues and the need for long range succession plans, many have not yet addressed the shorter range issues. At a recent presentation on succession/exit planning I was asked by a lawyer in the group the following question:
“What if something happens to me today or tomorrow – what is my backup plan?"
My presentation was focused on the longer term retirement issues but I also need to address issues such as short term illness, disability, death, and even vacations.
Many solo lawyers are in “reactionary mode” and have not adequately prepared backup plans in the event that, in the short term – prior to retirement – something would happen to them. For example:
- How would be firm keeping operating?
- Who would take care of the client’s needs?
- How would the firm’s staff be taken care of?
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