CLE: In Your Favor! Understanding the Brain’s Decision-Making Process So You Can Win More Cases

Instead of winning losing cases and losing winning cases, what if you could tap into how the ultimate decision-maker subconsciously processes the facts and evidence so you can best be heard? Join us for this in-depth look at how decisions are actually made by both judges and juries. Criminal justice attorneys, general practitioners, alternative dispute counsel, new lawyers, and traffic law attorneys with basic to intermediate practice experience who attend this online program will learn: what “mindset” is and how it impacts your ability to persuade others; how human behavior and subconscious programming can derail your case; how the brain processes information; how beliefs can create a filter that blocks your main arguments from being heard; the three factors that all humans consider before reaching a decision; and how to listen for cues that go beyond bias and tap into what your jury or judge is really thinking.

Live Webcast
Friday, October 8, 2021

12:00 – 1:30 p.m.

1.5 hours MCLE credit, including 1.0 hour Professionalism, Civility, or Legal Ethics credit (subject to approval)

Learn more and register.

Posted on September 15, 2021 by Timothy A. Slating
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