Fraud can happen to anyone, but who is responsible for catching it? On Feb. 14, 2013, Rita Crundwell, former comptroller for Dixon, Ill., was sentenced to 19 and a half years in prison for stealing more than $53 million from the city during a 20-year period. Subsequent to her conviction, the city successfully sued its auditors, settling their claim against them for $40 million.
Join us in Fontana, Wis., on June 15 during ISBA’s Annual Meeting for an examination of the case and a discussion regarding what role attorneys and auditors should play in uncovering fraud. The program concludes with a lively discussion among our speakers: Devon Bruce, the lead attorney for the city of Dixon in the lawsuit against its auditors; Kelly Richmond Pope, documentary director, accountant, and white collar crime expert; and Brick Van Der Snick, an ISBA member whose secretary managed to steal more than $150,000 from his law firm.