Two tech-savvy ISBA members, one a litigator and the other a transactional lawyer, describe some of their favorite iPad apps in the April Illinois Bar Journal. One top pick is TranscriptPad.
True to its name, TranscriptPad is designed to enable a litigator like Naperville lawyer Bryan Sims -- or anyone else, for that matter -- to work with transcripts. "I love this app," Sims says. "I use it all the time."
Because many apps are free and few cost more than $10, "people are going to think it's outrageously expensive at $90," says Sims, a member of the ISBA's Committee on Legal Technology. "But for what it does, that's a great price."
It's perfect for reading, annotating, and coding transcripts, he says. "If you just want to read your transcript, it's got a little play button, and you can let your transcript scroll by if you like. You can speed it up or slow it down."