ABA Commission on Women honors Laurel G. BellowsBy Celia G. GamrathOctober 2001The ABA Commission on Women in the Profession presented one of its most prestigious honors--the Margaret Brent Award--to Chicago lawyer Laurel G. Bellows last month.
The aftermath of September 11th: recognizing women’s rights as an international issueBy Amanda DeVincentisDecember 2001What role shall we play in the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attack? How do we struggle to not only find meaning after those events, but also work for the advancement of women's rights and an awareness of the plight of women internationally?
Appellate court receptions provide networking opportunitiesBy Claire A. ManningDecember 2001One of the goals of the ISBA's Standing Committee on Women and the Law is to "encourage women in their involvement in the legal community at all levels."
Gender fairness roundtables to be held in early 2002December 2001Are judges ensuring that gender bias does not occur in their courtrooms? Have bar associations paid sufficient attention to gender bias issues in continuing legal education courses?
Girls and science meet InnerLinkBy Susan LynamOctober 2001Susan Witt, the past chair of the Women and the Law Committee, would like to introduce you to a small (for now) company located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, called InnerLink.
Letter from the editorsOctober 2001Two recent decisions from the Seventh Circuit highlight our news report this month. In the first report, Sharon Eiseman describes a Seventh Circuit decision that struck down Cook County's set-aside program for women and minority-owned business enterprises.
A profile in success: Irene BahrBy Terrie RymerOctober 2001Meet Irene Bahr. A founding member and first chair of the Standing Committee on Women & the Law, Irene was recently elected secretary of the ISBA.
Seventh Circuit deals a blow to affirmative action set-asides for women and minorities in IllinoisBy Sharon L. Eiseman & Stephen P. EllenbeckerOctober 2001The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals recently dealt a set-back for set-aside programs implemented by Cook County, Illinois. Builders' Assn. of Greater Chicago v. County of Cook, F. Supp. 2d 1087 (N.D. Ill. 2000), aff'd, 256 F.3d 642 (7th Cir. 2001), involved a Cook County ordinance that required a minimum of 30 percent of the dollar value of public works contracts awarded by the county to go to minority-owned business enterprises (MBE) and at least 10 percent of the value of such contracts to be awarded to women-owned business enterprises (WBE.)