More solos and small-firm lawyers are hiring stay-at-home moms and others on a project-by-project basis as the need arises. The lawyers they hire are trading full-time employment for freedom.
Firms that serve corporate clients are no strangers to non-hourly billing strategies. But other attorneys are finding that consumer-friendly pricing can be lawyer-friendly as well.
The technology that can transform your practice by dramatically saving you time and money may already be in your office - if you'd just learn to use it.
Promoting civics education, reshaping ISBA's solo and small firm conference, and helping debt burdened law students and new admittees tops new ISBA President Rick Felice's agenda.
Can you get the other side's damaging Facebook posts into evidence? How do you make sure they don't vanish? Here's a look at emerging principles and best practices.
What will the Medical Cannabis Act mean for patients? For employers? Others? Prepare to advise clients about what some are calling the most restrictive medical marijuana law in the country.
Time to strike out on your own? Veteran practitioners help you get off to a good start - and avoid common missteps - with tips on marketing, billing, retainers, client management, and more.
Now more than ever, great technology tools - many especially designed for lawyers - are amazingly affordable if not free. But don't forget the crucial difference between "frugal" and "cheap."
Recent Illinois Supreme Court rule changes enable lawyers to represent clients in litigation for only a portion of a case. Proponents say that's good for lawyers, clients, and judges.