State lawmakers recently beefed up sunshine laws to help ensure open and transparent government. (For more, see Two Cheers for the New Freedom of Information Act in the February IBJ.)
A sweeping rewrite of this important Act creates new statutory POA forms for healthcare and property that better protect principals, agents, and third parties. Here's what you need to know - and see the link to new statutory forms on page 569.
The Act, with a powerful arsenal of civil relief centered on the order of protection, offers help and hope to victims of domestic violence. Here's an overview of its provisions.
The Illinois Department of Public Health (the department) recently created new rules implementing the Illinois Adverse Health Care Events Reporting Law of 2005.
The Department of Military Affairs recently adopted new regulations increasing benefits for active duty service members as well as changing the minimum period of duty necessary to be eligible for certain status and needs-based grants.
The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services adopted a new section to its rules regulating state payments to guardians who care for children as foster parents.
The Illinois Department on Aging (the department) modified the state's community care program to add an emergency home response service (EHRS) as a core service under the program.
The Illinois Department of Central Management Services (the department) modified the regulations concerning the layoff of merit compensation system employees of state agencies.
The Illinois General Assembly amended the criminal code regarding aggravated unlawful use of a weapon to include specific penalties for the unlawful possession of a fi rearm by a street gang member.