Mercer Health & Benefits

ISBA members can choose from a range of programs including home, auto, pet, life, major medical, dental, vision, catastrophe major medical, long term care, and disability insurance programs administered by Mercer Health & Benefits Administration LLC.

Find out more information about these plans or call Mercer at (800)-503-9230.

Get Insured

Affordable Care Act - GetInsured

2021 OPEN ENROLLMENT begins NOVEMBER 1, 2020 and ends DECEMBER 15, 2020, for coverage effective January 1, 2021.

Members can now enroll for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through GetInsured, powered by Mercer Marketplace 365*. You have access to a unique individual insurance service at no additional cost to you.

GetInsured gives you simple, plain-language answers to your health insurance questions. After all, when you understand your options, you can make smart decisions—and get more value for your money.

When you're ready to shop for a health plan, GetInsured makes it easy. It walks you through the process—from seeing if you qualify for tax credits to giving you personalized recommendations for health plans.

Using this service is easy. Contact a licensed customer service agent about your needs and budget at 866-454-5177, or visit ISBA GetInsured Online to review plans and enroll for coverage.

*These individual health insurance plans are not sponsored by ISBA or Mercer Marketplace 365. If you are eligible for affordable minimum value health care through an employer, you will be ineligible for federal tax credits toward the purchase of exchange coverage. Please ask a licensed GetInsured agent if you have questions about your eligibility.