Illinois Lawyer Finder makes over 900 referrals in March
The Illinois State Bar Association’s Lawyer Finder Service provides referrals to local lawyers Mondays through Fridays. The Service makes referrals in a number of areas of law. For the month of March 2015, ISBA helped people in need of legal services find lawyers in the following areas:
Here are the results for March 2015:
- 904 phone referrals made by Lawyer Finder staff
- Most requested areas of law: Family (151), Civil Disputes (82), Real Estate (68), Criminal Law (67), Personal Injury (55), Employment Law (51) and Civil Rights (32).
- 20,920 visits to (18,831 unique visitors)
Want to be part of the ISBA Lawyer Finder Service? Call (800) 252-8908 and ask for the Legal Department, or visit
Clients should call (800) 922-8757.
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