Member Appreciation Month: Disinfect Your Hardware
Today we're talking about the germs living on your computer and mobile hardware, a potential health hazard that can easily be remedied. You'll definitely want to complete this D4S Challenge to clean your hardware, because by some accounts, your keyboard likely contains more germs than your toilet seat.
The Dirty Lowdown. When it comes to bugs and computers, your first thought may be addressing cyber security issues to protect your client files and data. But when was the last time you concerned yourself with the bacteria-type of bugs lurking on the outside of your hardware?
A whole host of harmful bacteria and viruses — from e.coli to staph — have been found growing on computer keyboards and mice. Shared hardware between colleagues or family members carries an even greater danger of passing along diseases.
The good news is that by cleaning your hands and your hardware on a regular basis, you can limit your exposure. And, by ridding your hardware of dirt, dust and crumbs in the process, you'll also help your computer to run better.
Spring Clean Your Hardware. Cleaning the outside of a computer or mobile device requires extreme care; the components inside your hardware can become damaged if done incorrectly.
Here are a few tools to gather for your new-hardware cleaning kit:
- Soft lint-free cloth (microfiber or cotton are best)
- Can of compressed air
- Cleaning agent (either disinfectant wipes or rubbing alcohol)
Generally speaking, you'll want to use the cloth and wipes to wipe down the surfaces of your keyboard, mouse and monitor. Use as little moisture as possible, and don't forget to turn off your device before cleaning. Try turning the keyboard over and gently shaking out as much of the debris as possible. Then use the can of compressed air to blow out whatever is left.
How often should you clean your computer? Clean your mouse and keyboard at least 1x month and your monitor's exterior at least 1x a week.
For more information and greater detail on how to clean your hardware, choose one of the guides below based on the type of hardware you're using. Some of the guides also cover cleaning the inside of your computer, a much more involved process.
Spring Clean Your Hardware by Samsung TechLife
Cleaning Your Apple Products by Apple Support
How to Clean Your PC, Inside and Out by PCWorld
Join us tomorrow for the final D4S 'Office Wellness Week' Challenge where we'll take a look at alternative desk options for better health and posture.