Three New Fastcase Features

The decision to switch to Fastcase, our free legal research service sponsored by ISBA Mutual, is an easy one. You can put the money you save to better use, like vacation or student loans; you'll find it intuitive and easy to use; and you can sync your account with the Fastcase app for on-the-go access. 
This great member benefit just got event better with three new Fastcase features:
  • Cloud Linking. A new automated hyperlinking tool from Fastcase, Cloud Linking automatically finds citations to judicial opinions in your PDF or MS Word documents and instantly creates hyperlinks in your document to original sources, without affecting the document's formatting. 
  • Type-Ahead Search(Exclusive to Fastcase 7) As you type into the search box a search phrase or the name of a desired document, Fastcase will autocomplete your query suggesting the most likely search phrases. Once-tedious lookups can be accomplished in the blink of an eye.
  • Expert Commentary from LexBlog. Now included is a new library of expert legal commentary, including curated posts from LexBlog the largest network of over 15,000 legal bloggers. This content provides first-response legal analysis and insights across state, national, and international legal matters in many cases reporting legal news and commentary faster than newspapers.

Fastcase also offers training resources, including:


  • Complimentary CLE Training WebinarsRegister for any or all of the 3 1-hour training webinars presented monthly, covering an introduction, advanced tips, and Boolean keyword search.
  • Introductory Tour of Fastcase 7. As soon as you enter Fastcase 7, you will be greeted with a guided visual tour that automatically loads the first time you toggle over and can be viewed anytime, as many times as you need.
  • Live Customer Support. For research questions or technical support, click 'Need Help?' to speak to a Fastcase customer service representative in real time via instant message. Reference attorneys are available from 7AM-7PM Central, Monday-Friday. 

Get started with Fastcase today!

Posted on February 9, 2018 by Sara Anderson
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