ISBA Offices to Close July 4-5

The ISBA Springfield and Chicago offices will be closed for the holiday beginning Wednesday, July 4. They will reopen on Friday, July 6. During this time, members can expect the following:

  • E-Clips will not be delivered for the duration of this period.
  • Illinois Lawyer Now Weekly will not be delivered on Thursday, July 5. Instead, it will be delivered on Friday, July 6.

All business and e-newsletter distribution will resume as usual on Friday, July 6.

Additionally, all ISBA systems will be down due to electrical work on Friday, July 6 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. During this time the ISBA website will not be available. As a result you will also not be able to log into Fastcase, online CLE, or ISBA Central. 

Here's what you need to know and steps you can take in advance to ensure continued service:
Online CLE: You will not be able to access online CLE at all during the outage. If you need to complete CLE credit, we strongly urge you to plan to finalize that before the outage.
ISBA Central: Community discussions will still be available via email, but you will not be able to log into ISBA Central. Note: If you're already logged into the ISBA website, you may be able to access ISBA Central by going to it directly at
Fastcase: For members who need to access Fastcase during this time, please follow the instructions below.
1. Download the free Fastcase app (iPhone/iPad/Android).
2. Sync your ISBA account before the website goes down. Syncing your account only takes a few simple steps (see our how-to guide), and will ensure that your search history is copied over to your Fastcase app.
If you find yourself unexpectedly needing access after the website is down, and haven't synced your ISBA account, you can set up a free 24-hour trial account with Fastcase. However, your search history won't be tied to your account.
For questions regarding the Fastcase app, please contact Fastcase at 866-773-2782. For all other questions, contact the ISBA at 800-252-8908 before Wednesday, July 4.
Posted on June 26, 2018 by Rhys Saunders

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