Articles From Michael Alkaraki

Expert Testimony in the Age of Disinformation By Michael Alkaraki Tort Law, March 2020 In today’s information-based society, there is a fine line between the court’s proper deference to the jury and its obligation to ensure that verdicts are supported by the evidence.
Perfecting distributor liability for dangerous products By Michael Alkaraki Tort Law, June 2017 A look at the landmark decisions in products liability law.
Law practice civility in the wake of a vitriolic election cycle By Michael Alkaraki Young Lawyers Division, December 2016 Without conflict, the legal system is irrelevant. But without civility, it is impossible.
Mentoring in Law: Necessity & Opportunity By Michael Alkaraki Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, May 2016 Often, and contrary to many employers' concerns, new lawyers do in fact possess the skills needed to hit the ground running-- they simply lack the confidence and sense of direction that come largely through experience. Fortunately there are resources that can help.
Mentoring in Law: Necessity & Opportunity By Michael Alkaraki Young Lawyers Division, April 2016 Often, and contrary to many employers' concerns, new lawyers do in fact possess the skills needed to hit the ground running-- they simply lack the confidence and sense of direction that come largely through experience. Fortunately there are resources that can help.

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