Evaluating the debate on collective bargaining in the public sector
By Joshua Bailey
Alternative Dispute Resolution,
April 2011
In order to justify their claims, public sector unions should present a clear and convincing argument as to why collective bargaining is necessary in a government context. This would require unions to pointedly dissect the claim that government is unlike private employers and thus collective bargaining does not function correctly in the public sphere.
Case briefs
By Joshua Bailey
Alternative Dispute Resolution,
March 2011
Recent cases affecting practitioners of alternative dispute resolution.
By Joshua Bailey
Alternative Dispute Resolution,
March 2011
Mediation updates from around the country.
Supreme Court grants arbitrators more power
By Joshua Bailey
Alternative Dispute Resolution,
October 2010
Since Section 2 of the Federal Arbitration Act states that such clauses are “valid, irrevocable, and enforceable” without mentioning the validity of the agreement as a whole, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a challenge to the whole agreement must be decided by the arbitrator.
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