Articles From Austin W. Bartlett

Illinois’ blend of injustice: extended juvenile prosecutions By Austin W. Bartlett Child Law, December 2000 The Illinois EJJP provision shifts discretion from judges to prosecutors.
Lease Resolution Corporation v. Larney By Austin W. Bartlett Business Advice and Financial Planning, November 1999 In a case of first impression, the First District was faced with the issue of whether to adopt the adverse domination doctrine to toll the statute of limitations for claims by a plaintiff corporation against wrongdoing board members and non-board member co-conspirators.
NORTHERN NOTES By Austin W. Bartlett & Emily A. Chen Business Advice and Financial Planning, September 1999 These articles were written by students at the Northern Illinois University College of Law. The analyses and opinions are entirely those of the student authors.
NORTHERN NOTES By Austin W. Bartlett Business Advice and Financial Planning, April 1999 These articles are written by students at the Northern Illinois University College of Law in DeKalb. The analyses and opinions are strictly those of the student authors.

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