Articles From Thomas J. Brannan

Culture: Do you have it? By Thomas J. Brannan Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, June 2009 That “culture” is, many times, difficult to see or define. It is, however, or should be, reflective of the core values, beliefs, ethics and rules of behavior of a practice or office.
Are you ready for tsunami, a Katrina, fire or terrorists? By Thomas J. Brannan Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, September 2006 Granted, in Illinois, we are unlikely to suffer the rampage of a Tsunami or a Katrina, but tornadoes are common to Illinois, potential for fires is a part of life, and terrorists may strike anywhere—in fact, your own personal terrorist could be a disenchanted client seeking revenge.
Planning for major upheavals, and ‘What did I do to deserve this?’ By Thomas J. Brannan Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, March 2003 It has been suggested by our illustrious editor that articles should be written about real life law office experiences.
Lawyers work hard for their reputation—But they don’t deserve it! By Thomas J. Brannan Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, October 2002 "Shyster," "ambulance chaser," "mouthpiece," "one with silver-forked tongue"...the number of disparaging words about lawyers seems to run the gamut.
Stop! I want off! By Thomas J. Brannan Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, January 2002 If you practice law--you know the feeling. At best, it is a monthly event, at worst, a daily event.
Who is in charge here? By Thomas J. Brannan Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, June 2000 When we want results, we typically ask, "Who is in charge here"? If someone asked you that question, about your business or about your life, what would your answer be?
Back to basics By Thomas J. Brannan Law Office Management and Economics, Standing Committee on, November 1999 When was the last time you were completely caught up?....I mean, a clean desk, no files awaiting work or discovery, or research, and no telephone calls to return?

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