Articles From Stephanie A. Capps

A Brief Discussion of Inherited IRAs and Non-Modifiable Maintenance By Stephanie A. Capps Family Law, January 2021 Summaries and analyses of two important cases: In re Marriage of Dahm-Schell and In re Marriage of Dynako.
SCOTUS Provides Guidance for Determining a Child’s ‘Habitual Residence’ Under the Hague Convention By Stephanie A. Capps Family Law, June 2020 The Supreme Court of the United States recently issued an opinion holding that an actual agreement between the parties is not necessary to determine a child’s “habitual residence” under the Hague Convention.
SCOTUS Provides Guidance for Determining a Child’s ‘Habitual Residence’ Under the Hague Convention By Stephanie A. Capps Family Law, May 2020 The Supreme Court of the United States recently issued an opinion holding that an actual agreement between the parties is not necessary to determine a child’s “habitual residence” under the Hague Convention.

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