Articles From Wesley J. Coulson

Dealing with life insurance in Medicaid eligibility planning By Wesley J. Coulson Elder Law, June 2004 Because the Illinois Medicaid eligibility manual (PM 07-02-07) severely limits ownership of life insurance policies by a prospective applicant for Medicaid long-term care benefits, it is often necessary to divest ownership of such policies.
Opening the door gently: Medicaid eligibility planning and the “three-year look-back” rule By Wesley J. Coulson Elder Law, December 2002 Employing a "give-everything-away-and-wait-three- years" approach to planning for Medicaid eligibility is like using a battering ram to open a door.
The use of caregiver services contracts in Medicaid eligibility planning By Wesley J. Coulson Elder Law, June 2002 It is frequently the case that before someone enters a nursing home, that person receives home care from a spouse, child, or other family member.
The purchase of or exchange for a life estate interest as a Medicaid eligibility planning technique By Wesley J. Coulson Elder Law, May 2002 The Illinois Medicaid Eligibility Policy Manual specifically contemplates and discusses the transfer of ownership of real estate by a prospective applicant for Medicaid long term care benefits, reserving a life estate interest in that real estate, as a potential planning technique.

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