Articles From Sandra Crawford

What every lawyer should know about Collaborative Law (a.k.a., Collaborative Practice) By Sandra Crawford Alternative Dispute Resolution, June 2011 Three things every lawyer should also know about Collaborative Law: (1) there is a favorable American Bar Association Formal Ethics Opinion (Opinion No. 07-447) on the topic; (2) Since October, 2010 there has been a Uniform Collaborative Law Act adopted in several states; and (3) there is an international organization, the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, which has also promulgated Ethical Standards for Collaborative Practitioners.
Chair’s column By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, April 2011 A look ahead to some of the events sponsored by the Women and The Law Committee.
Chair’s column By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, November 2010 A look at the Committee's plans for the year ahead from Chair Sandra Crawford.
Consider yourself asked to run for public office By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, November 2010 The “Women Running for Public Office” forum addressed the challenges faced by women running for public office and how those challenges can be overcome.
Chair’s column By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, October 2010 An introduction from Committee Chair Sandra Crawford.
Recognition for women through ISBA annual awards By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, September 2010 A description of each award offered by the ISBA.
Note from the Editor: A ready-made opportunity for you to network! By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, December 2009 The remaining deadlines for submission of articles for consideration by this Committee for the 2009/2010 Bar year are February 15, 2010, and May 15, 2010
Getting off the teeter-totter—Work/life balance, another perspective By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, September 2009 In June the author attended the 17th Annual Conference of the International Alliance of Holistic Lawyers, held in Chicago.
Second-Hand-Shock™—Day to day the price we pay By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, March 2009 “Second-Hand-ShockTM" is the cumulative impact of the distress that clients’ trauma content stories have on the professionals helping them.
Lawyers as peacemakers—An opportunity to learn and explore By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, March 2008 Are you a warrior? Are you a peacemaker? Or, are you something other? Through answering these threshold questions we may be able to open broader dialogues which will lead us to answering the ultimate question of “what’s the better public image for our profession?”
Lawyers “lawgh” about ethics at MCLE forum By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, November 2007 “Lawghter” was the keyword for the morning on September 7, 2007, at the ISBA’s 3rd Annual Solo and Small Firm Forum held in St. Charles, Illinois. Legal Humorist, Sean Carter (see, a frequent contributor to the ABA’s on-line journal and other publications, took the stage at the conference as the keynote speaker and as a section presenter.
Spotlight on women in ISBA leadership: A conversation with ISBA Board Member Michele Jochner By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, November 2007 One of the goals of the Women and the Law Committee, through its quarterly newsletter, is to share with our readers information about women in leadership positions within and outside of the ISBA.
Co-Editor’s notes By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, May 2007 One of the goals of the Women and the Law Committee is to promote women in all aspects of the profession.
An invitation to all to take a “Darrow Day” By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, January 2007 What, you may ask, is a “Darrow Day?” It is not delaying or deferring living a full, rewarding, joyful life while we put “more grain in the barn”
Negotiation and emotions, not mutually exclusive concepts By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, October 2006 Negotiation is part of the fabric of your daily lives and the key function of much of work as attorneys, as mothers, as spouses, as committee members, etc.
Lawyer, Know Thyself—Let’s look together behind the facade of a profession in the law for women By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, June 2006 Several incidents, events and conversations converged recently which brought me to reading the book and formulating the ideas I wish to share with you here.
Supreme Court Justice talks about the “F” word By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, March 2006 On Saturday, December 10, 2005, the Chicago Foundation of Women (CFW) honored U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg by inaugurating an award in her name and conducting a discussion with a panel of prominent women, including the Honorable Judge Ann Williams, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan. Members of the ISBA Women and the Law Committee were fortunate to have been invited to the event.
The lawyer as peacemaker and healer By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, January 2006 As we in the western hemisphere in winter in recognition of the season of lights, peace and brotherly love, it seems appropriate to explore the role of the lawyer as peacemaker and healer and give thanks for the opportunity the practice of law gives each of us to “bring peace into room.”
Legislative update By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, May 2005 Annually the ISBA, on behalf of its membership, monitors and formally comments through its Director of Legislative Affairs, James Covington, on hundreds of pending Illinois State Senate and House Bills.
Legislative update By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, October 2004 It is the on-going commitment of the Women in the Law Committee to continue to actively monitor and comment on new and proposed legislation and to highlight existing laws of importance and interest to women and families.
Preventive law (Emerging alternative concepts and approaches to dispute resolution) By Sandra Crawford Women and the Law, February 2004 For years I have preached the concept of what I call "preventive law" to my small business clients.

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