Chair’s column
By Yolaine Dauphin
Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law,
February 2018
If hate is the currency being used to divide our society, we must fight it at every turn. REM Committee Chair Yolaine Dauphin is proud of the efforts of this Committee's members to pursue the values of diversity and inclusion.
Seminar on the commercial sexual exploitation of children
By Yolaine Dauphin
Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law,
March 2014
On October 10, 2014, the ISBA’s Standing Committee on Racial and Ethnic Minorities & the Law and the Administrative Law Section Council propose to conduct a seminar on human trafficking, focusing on the plight of children who are trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation.
Seminar on the commercial sexual exploitation of children
By Yolaine Dauphin
Administrative Law,
February 2014
On October 10, 2014, the ISBA’s Standing Committee on Racial and Ethnic Minorities & the Law and the Administrative Law Section Council propose to conduct a seminar on human trafficking, focusing on the plight of children who are trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation.
Chairman’s Column
By Yolaine Dauphin
Administrative Law,
January 2014
An introduction to the issue from Chair Yolaine Dauphin.
Chair’s column
By Yolaine Dauphin
Administrative Law,
August 2013
A message from Section Chair Yolaine Dauphin.
Chair’s column
By Yolaine Dauphin
Administrative Law,
July 2013
A message from Section Chair Yolaine Dauphin.
Reflections on World AIDS Day
By Yolaine Dauphin
Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law,
November 2009
According to The Skeptics Guide to the Global AIDS Crisis, a book authored by Dale Hanson Bourke, approximately 8,500 people die of AIDS every day.
Reflections on World AIDS Day
By Yolaine Dauphin
Diversity Leadership Council,
June 2009
According to The Skeptic’s Guide to the Global AIDS Crisis, a book authored by Dale Hanson Bourke, approximately 8,500 people die of AIDS every day.
Hot topics in domestic violence
By Yolaine Dauphin & Mary F. Petruchius
Women and the Law,
January 2007
The ISBA Committee on Women and the Law presented a comprehensive program entitled, “Hot Topics in Domestic Violence,” on Friday, September 8, 2006, at the Chicago Athletic Association.
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