From the Editor
By Anthony J. DelGiorno
Elder Law,
June 2011
A farewell message from Editor Anthony DelGiorno.
JCAR kills proposed HFS rules implementing DRA
By Anthony J. DelGiorno
Elder Law,
June 2011
At its May 10, 2011 hearing, the Illinois Legislature's Joint Committee on Administrative Rules committee moved to a final vote and unanimously rejected the Department’s proposed rules to implement the Deficit Reduction Act and its revisions to Medicaid and asset transfer allowances.
Note from the editor
By Anthony J. DelGiorno
Elder Law,
February 2011
An introduction to the issue from Editor Tony DelGiorno.
Who’s in charge?
By Lee Beneze & Anthony J. DelGiorno
Elder Law,
February 2011
Important contact information for Congressional leadership.
A note from the Editor…
By Anthony J. DelGiorno
Elder Law,
February 2010
This note addresses a letter to the editor regarding an article in the October 2009 issue of this newsletter.
From the Editor . . .
By Anthony J. DelGiorno
Elder Law,
May 2008
It was a pleasure to serve as editor of the Elder Law Section Council’s Newsletter during the 2007-08 year.
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