Articles From Alice Denenberg

Expedited Changes Coming to the Canadian Trademark Office: A Comparative Overview With the U.S. System By Alice Denenberg International and Immigration Law, December 2021 In summer 2019 Canada updated its trademark laws, adopted the Nice Classification System, and joined the Madrid Protocol, enabling Canada to be designated in an international registration. However, even before these changes, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office was plagued with examination delays exasperating both attorneys and IP owners.
Expedited Changes Coming to the Canadian Trademark Office: A Comparative Overview With the U.S. System By Alice Denenberg Intellectual Property, September 2021 In summer 2019 Canada updated its trademark laws, adopted the Nice Classification System, and joined the Madrid Protocol, enabling Canada to be designated in an international registration. However, even before these changes, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office was plagued with examination delays exasperating both attorneys and IP owners.

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