Articles From Karen Dimond

A Tribute to Friend and Colleague Patrick Driscoll By Karen Dimond Local Government Law, November 2019 A farewell and tribute to Pat Driscoll, a long-time member of the Local Government Law Section.
The joy of sharing our knowledge and experience with high school seniors moving on to college, careers, and beyond By Sharon Eiseman & Karen Dimond Law Related Education for the Public, January 2019 An overview of the Kickstart to Career Pathways & College, a newly minted program for high school seniors.
From the Chair By Karen Dimond Government Lawyers, October 2016 A message from Committee Chair Karen Dimond.
The first Roz Kaplan Award By Karen Dimond Government Lawyers, September 2015 Kate Kelly is the recipient of the very first Roz Kaplan Award.
Someone you should know: Pat Driscoll, Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office By Karen Dimond Government Lawyers, March 2012 Learn more about this dynamic attorney and member of The Standing Committee on Government Lawyers.
Letter from the Chair: Welcome to the 2007-08 State and Local Tax Section By Karen Dimond State and Local Taxation, July 2007 As the incoming 2007-08 section chair, I want to welcome you to membership in the State and Local Tax Section.
Appellate Court affirms denial of motion to vacate tax deed By Karen Dimond State and Local Taxation, June 2005 In a recent published opinion, the Appellate Court, Fourth District, held that (1) a trial court's order is final the day it is entered if the trial court does not request the submission of a written order; (2) a post-trial motion filed after a notice of appeal is filed does not deprive an appellate court of jurisdiction if the motion is not directed against the judgment; (3) a section 2-1401 motion was properly denied because it did not rely on any of the grounds for relief listed in section 22-45 of the Property Tax Code; and (4) section 22-45 of the Property Tax Code does not violate the constitutional equal-protection principles.
Real property tax advantages of a Class L (Landmark) designation By Karen Dimond State and Local Taxation, June 2004 Under the Cook County Real Assessment Classification Ordinance, non-residential property that has been designated a landmark building or a contributing building in a historic or landmark district may be eligible for a "Class L" designation.
Tax Trends digest of topics available on the Web site By Karen Dimond & Mary Ann Connelly State and Local Taxation, March 2003 "A Review of the 18th Annual Conference of the National Conference of State Tax Judges" by Judge Alexander White. Judge White reviews the three-day conference and the history and future of the National Conference of State Tax Judges.

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