Articles From Michael J. Drabant

Tips for Handling Medicaid Applications & Appeals During COVID-19 By Michael J. Drabant Elder Law, August 2020 As a result of COVID-19, there have been additional strains put on the Medicaid application and appeal processes in Illinois, which presents unique challenges for attorneys practicing in this area. 
Ehics corner: Estate planning attorneys should not ignore their own mortality By Michael J. Drabant Trusts and Estates, September 2015 Illinois Supreme Court Rule 756 now requires that in each lawyer’s annual registration, he or she must disclose whether there is a written succession plan in place for their firm.
Ethics corner: A word of caution when accepting credit card payments By Michael J. Drabant Trusts and Estates, July 2014 The ISBA recently issued a Professional Conduct Advisory Opinion which highlights some of the ethical implications of accepting credit cards as a means of paying attorney fees.

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