Articles From Sharon Eiseman

An ‘Aha!’ Moment Leads to a Personal Crossroads: Deconstructing the Meaning of ‘Belonging’ and ‘Be Longing’ By Sharon Eiseman Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, September 2021 Reflections on what it means to belong.
2020-2021: A Time of Terror and Great Challenges to the Legal Community and Beyond: Past, Present, and Future By Sharon Eiseman Law Related Education for the Public, January 2021 An introduction to the issue from the editor, Sharon Eiseman.
Recognizing the Past and Present Challenges Faced by Asian/Pacific Americans This Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month By Maryam Arfeen & Sharon Eiseman Law Related Education for the Public, November 2020 A look at the historical legal challenges faced by Asian/Pacific Americans and the steep increase in discriminatory conduct and harassment against members of this community during the coronavirus pandemic. 
Recognizing the Past and Present Challenges Faced by Asian/Pacific Americans This Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month By Maryam Arfeen & Sharon Eiseman Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, September 2020 A look at the historical legal challenges faced by Asian/Pacific Americans and the steep increase in discriminatory conduct and harassment against members of this community during the coronavirus pandemic. 
Recognizing the Past and Present Challenges Faced by Asian/Pacific Americans This Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month By Maryam Arfeen & Sharon Eiseman Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, June 2020 A look at the historical legal challenges faced by Asian/Pacific Americans and the steep increase in discriminatory conduct and harassment against members of this community during the coronavirus pandemic. 
The joy of sharing our knowledge and experience with high school seniors moving on to college, careers, and beyond By Sharon Eiseman & Karen Dimond Law Related Education for the Public, January 2019 An overview of the Kickstart to Career Pathways & College, a newly minted program for high school seniors.
Diversity Committee updates By Julie A. Johnson, Shannon M. Shepherd, & Sharon Eiseman Diversity Leadership Council, June 2017 The Chairs from several ISBA sections and committees share their group's accomplishments and successes from the past year.
Housing Justice v. Housing Injustice CLE program summary By Sharon Eiseman Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, June 2017 Following is the ‘syllabus’ that the CLE Planning Committee of REM developed for the CLE Program Series on Housing Justice v. Housing Injustice.
Recent SCOTUS opinion raises hope for municipalities struggling to recover from effects of predatory lending practices By Sharon Eiseman Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, June 2017 If Miami is able to show that the disproportionate numbers of defaults and foreclosures arising from the discriminatory lending practices of the Banks concentrated in segregated communities are “directly related” to the City’s loss of property tax revenues and the need for increased municipal services to assist those devastated communities, then monetary damages may be its reward.
Spotlight on REM members: What a phenomenon—She never stops moving and giving! By Sharon Eiseman Racial and Ethnic Minorities and the Law, June 2017 Learn more about REM member Masah Renwick.

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