From the ChairBy Kathryn E. EisenhartHuman and Civil Rights, June 2007This is my last “from the chair” column. This year has gone very quickly.
From the ChairBy Kathryn E. EisenhartHuman and Civil Rights, March 2007On January 25, I attended an all day conference entitled “The Secret World of Human Trafficking.”
From the ChairBy Kathryn E. EisenhartHuman and Civil Rights, January 2007A message from Section Chair Kathryn Eisenhart.
From the ChairBy Kathryn E. EisenhartHuman and Civil Rights, December 2006If President Bush thought he had a mandate from the people when he was elected, or was it reelected(?) two years ago, certainly the mandate is gone.
From the ChairBy Kathryn E. EisenhartHuman and Civil Rights, November 2006“May you live in interesting times” is a paraphrase of an old Chinese curse. For those of us interested in human rights, this is a very interesting time indeed.
Note on ACLU v. NSA 438 F. Supp. 2d 754 (E.D. Mich. 2006)By Kathryn E. EisenhartHuman and Civil Rights, November 2006On August 17, 2006, Senior Judge Anna Diggs Taylor of the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan issued a decision in American Civil Liberties Union et al (ACLU) v. National Security Agency et al (NSA). Decisions by federal district courts are only occasionally of sufficient importance to get noticed by the national press. This decision is clearly one of them.
From the ChairBy Kathryn E. EisenhartHuman and Civil Rights, September 2006I have been given the difficult task of following the leadership provided by Sheila Murphy this past year.
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