Articles From David M. Foreman

Partitioning working interest in an oil and gas lease By David M. Foreman Mineral Law, March 2019 An overview of the Partition Act.
1 comment (Most recent April 23, 2019)
Proposed amendment to the Illinois Hydraulic Fracturing Tax Act By David M. Foreman Mineral Law, December 2017 This article addresses the Illinois Hydraulic Fracturing Tax Act, 35 ILCS 450/2-1 et seq. (Tax Act) and the Illinois Department of Revenue’s proposed regulations implementing it.
Ownership of mineral interest: How to avoid probate, taxes and loss of rights By David M. Foreman & George C. Lackey Mineral Law, March 2017 The use of a mineral trust can avoid the issue of multiple ancillary probates in the states where the mineral interests are located.

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