Articles From Darla A. Foulker

An update on “Miranda Warnings” for debt collection lawsuits By Patrick E. Ward & Darla A. Foulker Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, July 2005 "You have the right to dispute this debt. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . . . ." If this sounds like the debt police, you better take a look at Thomas v. Law Firm of Simpson & Cybak , et al.
An update on “Miranda warnings” for debt collection lawsuits By Patrick E. Ward & Darla A. Foulker General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, May 2005 "You have the right to dispute this debt. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . . . ."
Intrastate removal of children following a divorce By Nancy Ann Ward & Darla A. Foulker Family Law, June 2004 It is very common after a divorce for a custodial parent to desire to move elsewhere in the State of Illinois to be closer to his/her family, to remarry, and/or for better career opportunities.
“Miranda Warnings” for debt collection lawsuits By Patrick E. Ward & Darla A. Foulker General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, May 2004 The following article raises valid issues that lawyers who collect debts (even their own) need to be aware of and consider in their practice.
Net income for the purpose of calculating child support By Nancy Ann Ward & Darla A. Foulker Family Law, December 2003 Family law attorneys have all read and re-read the statutory guidelines regarding the calculation of child support found in Section 505 of the Marriage and Dissolution Act.

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