Articles From Jay Giusti

I’ve got your peripatetic right here By Jay Giusti Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, December 2001 Investing in computer technology sometimes seems to require a call to Miss Cleo: How can we predict, with some assurance of accuracy, which emergent products are most likely to be around for awhile?
My recommendations By Jay Giusti Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, June 2001 You may have heard about a new top-level domain becoming available for Internet Web addresses, and the March 2001 issue of ABA Law Practice Management has a good description of new ones particularly including .pro that is intended for professionals such as attorneys.
Learning Adobe Acrobat By Jay Giusti Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, June 2000 You probably realize that recent buzz about Acrobat isn't in reference to Cirque du Soleil. Todd Flaming's article in the April 2000 issue of the Illinois Bar Journal ("Electronic Briefs: The Time Has Come") is a timely and enthusiastic endorsement of Adobe's Acrobat software technology, based on the PDF document standard, to generate electronic briefs. Recent advertising in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin for ZMF Media's "ebrief" CD-ROM based appellate briefs' is based on Acrobat.
Merging technology By Jay Giusti Legal Technology, Standing Committee on, April 1999 The merger of two Chicago small civil litigation firms during March 1999 required careful technology choices.

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