Articles From Chuck Gunnarson

In-sites By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, August 2003 The National Archives and Records Administration has placed its United States Government Manual online at <>.
From the chair By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, May 2003 For my last column, I would like to provide you with advance notice of an upcoming continuing legal education (CLE) event, as well as to thank some hard-working members of the Committee on Government Lawyers.
From the Chair By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, February 2003 On December 11, 2002, the ISBA's Standing Committee on Government Lawyers (CGL) hosted a reception for government lawyers titled, "Pride in Our Profession: The ISBA Salutes Government Attorneys" in conjunction with the ISBA's Mid-Year Meeting in Chicago.
From the chair By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, December 2002 Earlier this year, the ISBA's Standing Committee on Government Lawyers (CGL) invited government attorneys to respond to a brief survey concerning bar association membership issues.
From the chair By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, August 2002 It is with much honor and enthusiasm that I provide the Chair's Column for the first edition of the 2002-2003 Committee on Government Lawyers (CGL) newsletter.
In-Sites By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, August 2002 This edition of the In-Sites column contains some useful sites for performing various types of research.
In-sites By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, June 2002 Many administrative law judges have found Morell E. Mullins' book, Manual For Administrative Law Judges, to be a useful resource in their practices.
In-sites By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, February 2002 As the saying goes, the only two sure things in life are death and taxes. In this issue of In-sites, we will look at some Web sites devoted to both of those subjects, as well as some other less ominous sites.
In-sites By Chuck Gunnarson Government Lawyers, October 2001 One of the most desirable features of the Internet is its ability to quickly disseminate the most recent news and information to its users.
Supreme Court finds “Migratory Bird Rule” exceeds authority of the Federal Clean Water Act By Chuck Gunnarson Environmental Law, July 2001 On January 9, 2001 the United States Supreme Court issued an opinion addressing a controversial rule used by the United States Army Corps of Engineers ("Corps") to regulate the use of certain types of wetlands for nearly fifteen years.

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