Articles From Summer Hallaj

Beware the errata sheet! By Kevin Lovellette & Summer Hallaj Federal Civil Practice, June 2015 A hypothetical scenario that illustrates the type of situation in which a government lawyer may find himself or herself when an opposing party seeks to retrospectively alter the substance of a witness’ original deposition testimony.
Beware the errata sheet! By Kevin Lovellette & Summer Hallaj Government Lawyers, April 2015 A hypothetical scenario that illustrates the type of situation in which a government lawyer may find himself or herself when an opposing party seeks to retrospectively alter the substance of a witness’ original deposition testimony.
But, we were on a break… By Kevin Lovellette & Summer Hallaj Government Lawyers, June 2014 There are only a few cases from Seventh Circuit courts examining the issue of whether an attorney may speak to a deponent during a break in a deposition. The courts appear split on this issue.

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