Diversity Committee updates
By Julie A. Johnson, Shannon M. Shepherd, & Sharon Eiseman
Diversity Leadership Council,
June 2017
The Chairs from several ISBA sections and committees share their group's accomplishments and successes from the past year.
Chair column
By Julie A. Johnson
Women and the Law,
May 2017
A message from Chair Julie Johnson outlining the Committee's recent successes.
Chair column
By Julie A. Johnson
Women and the Law,
February 2017
A message from Committee Chair Julie Johnson.
Chair column
By Julie A. Johnson
Women and the Law,
December 2016
Paid family leave is a difficult issue for many Illinois attorneys. Let us all send the message that Paid Family Leave is a priority for Illinois lawyers, while at the same time sending our comments and suggested revisions to Senate Bill 260.
Chair’s column
By Julie A. Johnson
Women and the Law,
October 2016
A message from Chair Julie A. Johnson, formerly Julie Neubauer.
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