Exhaustion, waiver and preemption: Poindexter v. State of IllinoisBy Jewel N. KleinAdministrative Law, February 2007If you are looking for a primer on exhaustion of administrative remedies, the necessity of making constitutional challenges at the agency level, and federal preemption of state law, the Fourth District’s opinion in Poindexter v. State of Illinois will come in handy.
Mean-its and their opinionsBy Jewel N. KleinAdministrative Law, March 2005Some people believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. I believe in “Mean-Its” and the fruits of their labors, the Mean-It Opinions.
Making money practicing administrative lawBy Jewel N. KleinAdministrative Law, February 2005In an administrative proceeding, there are two ways to recover attorney fees.
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