Articles From Claire A. Manning

Humane care for animals in Illinois By Claire A. Manning & Michael Massie Agricultural Law, April 2009 A counter-view to the article, “Vote For Humane Farming and Nobody Gets (as) Hurt,” published in the May 2008 edition of the ISBA’s Ag Law Section newsletter.
Chairs’ Column By Claire A. Manning & Alice M. Noble-Allgire Women and the Law, June 2007 As chairs of the Standing Committees on Women and the Law and Minority and Women Participation, we are pleased to share with you the diversity outreach and educational efforts that our committees have undertaken during the past year.
From the Chair By Claire A. Manning Women and the Law, January 2007 The past several months have been busy ones for the ISBA and for the Standing Committee on Women and the Law—and, more generally, for the celebration of women in the practice of law and women in the judiciary.
From the Chair By Claire A. Manning Women and the Law, October 2006 It is with honor and pleasure that I assume the position as Chair of the standing committee on Women & the Law.
Law Day breakfast with Justice Garman By Claire A. Manning Women and the Law, June 2004 There was no better opportunity for a group of women lawyers to celebrate law day than to spend it having a breakfast with Illinois Supreme Court Justice Rita Garman in her hometown of Danville.
One of our own achieves Laureate distinction By Claire A. Manning Women and the Law, June 2004 Sharon Eiseman, a longstanding and active member of the Standing Committee on Women and the Law, and a tireless promoter of women's legal rights, has been awarded with ISBA's highest achievement, a 2004 Laureate of the Academy of Illinois Lawyers.
Illinois’ commitment to ethics By Claire A. Manning Administrative Law, March 2004 The passage of new ethics legislation at the end of 2003 marks an era of legislative reform in a state that has, for too long, carried a sullied, and unfortunate reputation for politics-by-purchase.
No bottom to the efforts of the bottomless closet By Claire A. Manning Women and the Law, November 2003 Note from the Editors: In each of the succeeding issues of The Catalyst, we hope to profile a not-for-profit organization worthy of the attention, and contribution, of all of us.
Supreme Court holds statewide meetings on civility and professionalism— Committee on Women and the Law to participate By Claire A. Manning Women and the Law, November 2003 The Supreme Court is making great strides in raising the consciousness of the bar on issues of civility and professionalism in the courtroom and, more generally, in the practice of law.
One of our own to become Bar president By Claire A. Manning Women and the Law, September 2003 Irene Bahr, one of the founders of ISBA's Special Committee on Women and the Law, and a tenacious advocate of women's issues within the legal community, is to become President of ISBA in 2006.
Fees, fees and more fees: The price of permits has just gotten pricier By Claire A. Manning Environmental Law, August 2003 In an attempt to resolve the state's current budget crisis, the Governor and Illinois' 93rd General Assembly passed whopping fee increases, many of them on environmental fees and permits, substantially increasing the cost of doing business in this state.
Legislative update: Environmental legislation from the 93rd General Assembly By Claire A. Manning & Kevin B. Hynes Environmental Law, August 2003 While the 93rd General Assembly was plagued with perhaps the most significant budget crisis in Illinois' history, it nonetheless found time to pass several serious pieces of environmental legislation, amending the Environmental Protection Act both procedurally and substantively.
Clerk’s Office On-Line: Illinois Pollution Control Board’s “COOL” By Claire A. Manning & Richard R. McGill Environmental Law, December 2002 Ever since its introduction at the Illinois Pollution Control Board's 25th anniversary in Chicago in 1995, the Board's Web site has become a widely-used resource.
Unauthorized practice of law in administrative proceedings By Claire A. Manning & Richard R. McGill, Jr. Government Lawyers, August 2002 Administrative agencies deciding contested cases need to be aware that the parties before them may have to be represented by an attorney.
Unauthorized practice of law in administrative proceedings By Claire A. Manning Administrative Law, April 2002 Administrative agencies deciding contested cases need to be aware that the parties before them may have to be represented by an attorney.
Unauthorized practice of law in administrative proceedings By Claire A. Manning & Richard R. McGill Environmental Law, April 2002 Administrative agencies deciding contested cases need to be aware that the parties before them may have to be represented by an attorney.
Appellate court receptions provide networking opportunities By Claire A. Manning Women and the Law, December 2001 One of the goals of the ISBA's Standing Committee on Women and the Law is to "encourage women in their involvement in the legal community at all levels."
Pollution control board proposes new procedural rules By Claire A. Manning Administrative Law, July 2000 The Illinois Pollution Control Board (Board) adjudicates environmental cases and adopts environmental standards and regulations for the State of Illinois.

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