Articles From Michael J. Maslanka

‘Technicality Can Bring Fairness’ By Michael J. Maslanka Human and Civil Rights, May 2022 Knowingly or not, the Illinois Supreme Court upheld Article 10 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its recent decision in People v. Moon.
A Three-Pointer By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, April 2022 Three points of interest for real estate practitioners.
90 Days Means 90 Days, Not 91 Days By Michael J. Maslanka Human and Civil Rights, February 2022 The seventh circuit recently ruled that a former FEMA employee's time to sue for alleged disability discrimination started when he received an email regarding the agency's final decision on his claim, not the day after when he opened the attachment containing the decision.
Introducing the 2021 Human Rights Section Gertz Award Winner: Colleen Kilbride By Cindy G. Buys & Michael J. Maslanka Human and Civil Rights, November 2021 A spotlight on Colleen Kilbride, the 2021 winner of the Elmer Gertz Award for Human Rights.
From the Chair By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, October 2021 A note from the chair.
New Laws of Interest By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, October 2021 Summaries of recently enacted laws of interest to real estate practitioners.
Note From the Editors By William J. Anaya, Michael J. Maslanka, & Michael J. Rooney Real Estate Law, September 2021 An introduction to the issue from the editors.
Just Because Your Name Is on the Lease Does Not Always Mean You Have Possessory Rights By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, January 2021 A brief summary of People of the State of Illinois v. Lawrence.
Practice Tip (Or Oops! I Just Stepped In…!) By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, July 2020 Powers of attorney for closing-related purposes should probably be drafted with specific start and end dates and without the "revoke all prior powers of attorney" language.
Practice Tip 2 By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, June 2020 Practice tips for attorneys who receive calls from the child of a deceased client asking for guidance regarding the decedent's estate matters.
Former Condo Association Board Director Owes Attorneys’ Fees and a Lot More By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, May 2020 A summary of Spiegel v. Kim, in which a condo association sued the former director for all kinds of misfeasance and malfeasance while he was allegedly acting under the auspices of being a member of the board of directors of the association.
AlphaTrust Soup By Michael J. Maslanka General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, March 2020 A look at the trusts that can be discussed with clients.
1 comment (Most recent March 17, 2020)
AlphaTrust Soup By Michael J. Maslanka Senior Lawyers, March 2020 A look at the trusts that can be discussed with clients.
From the Chair By Michael J. Maslanka Human and Civil Rights, March 2020 An update on the accomplishments of the Human Rights Section Council from the chair, Michael J. Maslanka.
Practice Tip By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, January 2020 When representing a purchaser of real property, where mortgage financing is needed or involved, be sure to tell your clients to ask the lender to send copies of the documents that the lender expects the mortgagor/purchaser to sign at closing in advance.
1 comment (Most recent January 22, 2020)
Evidentiary Admissions and Judicial Admissions: A Quick Refresher By Michael J. Maslanka General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, November 2019 Armstead v. National Freight, Inc. provides a good explanation of the differences between evidentiary admissions and judicial admissions.
Property Disclosure Checklist Alert By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, November 2019 Various entites and sellers are statutorily exempt from having to complete the residential real property disclosure checklist.
Court Supervision May Be a Conviction (and a Horse With a Feathered Saddle May Be a Small Bird)! By Michael J. Maslanka General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, September 2019 It is important to be precise when advising clients that court supervision is a conviction for some purposes but not for others.
Legal Research Tip By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, September 2019 It is important to always check for the case's subsequent history in addition to Shepardizing it.
Kroot v. Chan: The Residential Real Property Disclosure Act revisited By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, July 2019 In Kroot v. Chan, plaintiffs alleged that the defendants violated the Residential Real Property Disclosure Act and committed common law fraud in the sale of their Chicago property.
Mortgage foreclosure defense: Mortgagors beware By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, May 2019 Bank of New York Mellon v. Wojcik, et al. offers some points of guidance to mortgage foreclosure defense attorneys.
Why file the last will and testament? By Michael J. Maslanka Trusts and Estates, May 2019 Many clients with whom you consult may be surprised to learn that Illinois law requires that the will of a decedent must be filed with the clerk of the circuit court shortly after the decedent's death.
Another unfair Chicago enforcement practice By Michael J. Maslanka Bench and Bar, April 2019 A summary of Kooperman v. City of Chicago, et al.
Evidentiary admissions and judicial admissions: A quick refresher By Michael J. Maslanka Senior Lawyers, March 2019 Armstead v. National Freight, Inc. provides a good explanation of the differences between evidentiary admissions and judicial admissions.
Evidentiary admissions and judicial admissions: A quick refresher By Michael J. Maslanka Bench and Bar, February 2019 Armstead v. National Freight, Inc. provides a good explanation of the differences between evidentiary admissions and judicial admissions.
Quick hitters: Points of current interest By Michael J. Maslanka Real Estate Law, February 2019 Three brief legal updates for Illinois real estate attorneys.
“But, they didn’t give me my Miranda rights!” By Michael J. Maslanka General Practice, Solo, and Small Firm, December 2018 In Johnson v. Winstead, the seventh circuit gave an overview of rights and consequences for violations of rights regarding constitutional law and privileges.
Appellate court’s estate planning advice By Michael J. Maslanka Elder Law, November 2018 In the recent case of Johnson v. Filler, the second district appellate court issued an opinion dealing with alleged legal malpractice by attorneys with regard to their preparation of wills and trusts.
Why file the last will and testament? By Michael J. Maslanka Senior Lawyers, November 2018 Many clients with whom you consult may be surprised to learn that Illinois law requires that the will of a decedent must be filed with the clerk of the circuit court shortly after the decedent's death.
A human rights decision in disguise? By Michael J. Maslanka Human and Civil Rights, October 2018 An overview of People v. Kochevar, a recent appellate case.

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