Articles From William H. Mayer

Final Regulations Ease Hardship Distribution Requirements By William H. Mayer Employee Benefits, October 2019 On September 23, 2019, the Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service released final regulations regarding hardship distributions that integrate a large number of changes to the existing rules.
Restriction of venue in ERISA plans By William H. Mayer Employee Benefits, June 2018 Although the law is unsettled, there are strong arguments in favor of permitting a reasonable restriction of venue clause despite the U.S. Department of Labor's continued opposition.
Final rule on health plan nondiscrimination By William H. Mayer Employee Benefits, March 2017 Gender identity discrimination in health plans may end with the implementation of final regulations under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This article discusses the federal and state regulations as well as current litigation and other considerations affecting the availability of transgender related services.
Department of Treasury releases final DB funding regulations By William H. Mayer Employee Benefits, May 2016 Applicable for plan years beginning on and after January 1, 2016, the final regulations are substantially the same as the proposed regulations, but there a few changes to consider.
Eight common employee benefit plan failures discovered during mergers and acquisitions By William H. Mayer Corporate Law Departments, February 2015 In addition to identifying areas of concern, this article will address potential liabilities associated with the failures and provide a summary of corrective measures that may be available to alleviate the potential liabilities.
Eight common employee benefit plan failures discovered during mergers and acquisitions By William H. Mayer Employee Benefits, December 2014 In addition to identifying areas of concern, this article will address potential liabilities associated with the failures and provide a summary of corrective measures that may be available to alleviate the potential liabilities.

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