Editor resigns: Newsletter goes on
By Karl Menninger
Elder Law,
June 2005
I have decided to step down as editor of this newsletter. I've been doing this for over 10 years, and while I know that's hardly a record tenure for newsletter editors, it seems long enough for me.
Notes from the chair
By Karl Menninger
Elder Law,
June 1999
This newsletter has focused on practical, useful issues to assist the elder law practitioner.
Notes from the chair
By Karl Menninger
Elder Law,
April 1999
If your local bar association is casting about for an activity for this year's Law Day, you might propose an activity involving the rights of older persons.
Notes from the chair
By Karl Menninger
Elder Law,
January 1999
The changes in our society's technology can be difficult to comprehend. There were people who watched humans land on the moon who were alive when the first manned flight happened.
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