Articles From David A. O’Toole

The Seventh Circuit finally gets into the (Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements) Act By David A. O’Toole June 2003 Given that three other circuit courts have posited three different interpretations of the Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act, it would have hardly seemed possible for the Seventh Circuit to plow any new intellectual ground on the subject.
FTC intervening to limit fees in private class actions By David A. O’Toole Administrative Law, March 2003 Can anyone tell me where I can get a good deal on carbon paper?
Antitrust complaints and motions to dismiss By David A. O’Toole December 2001 In the past few years, there have been a surprising number of cases in which federal courts have dismissed antitrust complaints on the pleadings, where the pleadings appear facially sufficient.

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