Articles From Peter Y. Qiu

SEC v. A Chicago Convention Center, et al.: A brief introduction By Peter Y. Qiu International and Immigration Law, June 2013 According to a three-count complaint filed by the SEC, the defendants allegedly committed fraud or otherwise made untrue or misleading statements to approximately 261 Chinese investors in the course of soliciting their business in violation of §17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and § 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Dr. Liu Xiaobo: I have no enemies By Peter Y. Qiu International and Immigration Law, January 2011 Last month Dr. Liu Xiaobo, currently incarcerated as a political prisoner, became the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
Chinese culture and communications By Shannon M. Shepherd & Peter Y. Qiu International and Immigration Law, October 2010 When trying to cultivate relationships with any client, it is of the utmost importance to remain culturally adaptable, patient, flexible, and tolerant.

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