Articles From Gary T. Rafool

Technology for seniors By Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum, Jr., Loren S. Golden, Gary T. Rafool, Don Mateer, & Frank V. Ariano Senior Lawyers, June 2014 This is the latest of what has become a regular column in the ISBA Senior Lawyer Section Council newsletter. Hopefully you will take a turn in contributing a section on your own “Best Practices” or problems you have in using technology. Please let us know what you need. Applications (“Apps”)
Technology for seniors By Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum, Loren S. Golden, Gary T. Rafool, & Frank V. Ariano Senior Lawyers, February 2014 The latest installment of this regular column.
Over the rainbow By Gary T. Rafool Senior Lawyers, October 2013 While we may be losing control over what our future professional and personal lives are presently experiencing, we can still take legal steps to protect our remaining assets from further economic decline, and the accompanying burdens of carrying too much debt.
Technology for seniors By Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum, Loren S. Golden, Gary T. Rafool, Don Mateer, & Frank V. Ariano Senior Lawyers, October 2013 The latest installment of this regular column, and the registration form for our October 18th program, "Computer Basics for Senior Lawyers."
Technology for seniors By Hon. Edward J. Schoenbaum, Jr., Loren S. Golden, Gary T. Rafool, & Frank V. Ariano Senior Lawyers, June 2013 This is the fourth of what has become a regular column in the ISBA Senior Lawyer Section Council newsletter.
1 comment (Most recent June 8, 2013)
View from the Chair By Gary T. Rafool Senior Lawyers, June 2012 A message from Chair Gary Rafool.
2 comments (Most recent June 14, 2012)
View from the Chair By Gary T. Rafool Senior Lawyers, February 2012 An introduction to the issue from Senior Lawyers Section Chair Gary Rafool.
1 comment (Most recent February 23, 2012)
View from the Chair By Gary T. Rafool Senior Lawyers, October 2011 An introduction from Senior Law Section Chair Gary Rafool.
Protecting the assets of a retiring attorney By Gary T. Rafool Senior Lawyers, June 2011 A few observations and suggestions for any attorney contemplating retirement and supplementing a retirement income with a business venture.
View from the chair By Gary T. Rafool Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, March 2002 At the mid-year meeting of our section council, it was decided to have a meeting on February 21 at 7:30 a.m. in Springfield with Representative Jeffrey Schoenberg at the Renaissance Hotel.
View from the chair By Gary T. Rafool Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, February 2002 There has been a lot of discussion lately on unauthorized practice of law (UPL) by in-house counsel.
View from the chair By Gary T. Rafool Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, November 2001 The second meeting of our Section Council was held on Saturday, August 18, at the Par-A-Dice Casino Hotel in East Peoria.
View from the chair By Gary T. Rafool Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, July 2001 This is a new feature for our newsletter which will be written by me as chair of the section council during the coming year.
Credit card balance transfers: The new preference in town By Gary T. Rafool Commercial Banking, Collections, and Bankruptcy, April 1999 Along with the expansion in the number of credit cards issued, and the competition for customers, credit card issuers have in recent years begun encouraging card holders to transfer the balances from other credit cards to the issuer's card.

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