Book review: Representing the Elderly Client: Law and Practice
By Constance B. Renzi
Elder Law,
May 2002
Representing the Elderly Client: Law and Practice, written by Thomas D. Begley, Jr. and Jo-Anne Herina Jeffreys and published by Panel Publishers, will be a welcome addition to the library of the elder law attorney.
Notes from the chair
By Constance B. Renzi
Elder Law,
June 2000
As I sit down to write these notes, I can hardly believe that it is time to pass the baton to the newly appointed chairperson of the Elder Law Section Council, Lee Beneze, vice-chairperson William Cleaver, and secretary, Naomi Schuster.
Notes from the chair
By Constance B. Renzi
Elder Law,
May 2000
As we enter the homestretch of the ISBA year, I am reminded of the roots of the Elder Law Section--the practice of elder law.
Notes from the chair
By Constance B. Renzi
Elder Law,
March 2000
As I write these notes, I can hardly believe that the business year is more than half over.
Notes from the chair
By Constance B. Renzi
Elder Law,
November 1999
As of this date, the Elder Law Section Council has had two productive meetings this year.
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