Articles From Michelle J. Rozovics

Diversity Committee updates By Michelle J. Rozovics Diversity Leadership Council, June 2018 The International Law & Immigration Section Council share their group's accomplishments and successes from the past year.
The International & Immigration Section Discussion Group By Michelle J. Rozovics International and Immigration Law, December 2013 If you haven't signed up for the Section's Discussion Group, you're missing out!
Maximize your profits and minimize your risks by understanding your sourcing agreements By Caroline Berube & Michelle J. Rozovics International and Immigration Law, November 2011 A look at the different issues surrounding sourcing in China.
Latino cultural communications By Michelle J. Rozovics International and Immigration Law, October 2010 Lawyers who are unaware of their client’s ethnicity, or make assumptions based upon ethnic stereotypes, may experience frustrating client relationships, or may even find their attempts at doing business thwarted.

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