Embracing change: Why is it so difficult?
By Rich Sheehy
Young Lawyers Division,
April 2017
Change is hard, it’s messy, and it’s frightening, but it can also be exhilarating, liberating, and lead you to possibilities you never imagined! By approaching change, whether in a legal career or in one’s personal life, as a process with distinct stages, you can manage the anxiety and overcome the inertia that holds us back from reaching your goals.
The lawyer as counselor: Do you have the skills to be a truly effective helper?
By Rich Sheehy
Elder Law,
October 2002
Like doctors, nurses, social workers, and counselors, lawyers are in the business of helping their clients. While this help centers primarily on "legal problems," the desired outcome should be that the client receives the assistance he or she needs--whatever form that assistance might take.
The lawyer as counselor: Do you have the skills to be a truly effective helper?
By Rich Sheehy
Corporate Law Departments,
August 2002
Like doctors, nurses, social workers, and counselors, lawyers are in the business of helping their clients. While this help centers primarily on "legal problems," the desired outcome should be that the client receives the assistance he or she needs--whatever form that assistance might take.
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