Articles From Shannon M. Shepherd

Immigration enforcement in the workplace likely to increase By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, August 2017 A look at how employers can anticipate, prepare, and react to a visit from ICE.
Diversity Committee updates By Julie A. Johnson, Shannon M. Shepherd, & Sharon Eiseman Diversity Leadership Council, June 2017 The Chairs from several ISBA sections and committees share their group's accomplishments and successes from the past year.
Immigration enforcement in the workplace likely to increase By Shannon M. Shepherd Employee Benefits, June 2017 A look at how employers can anticipate, prepare, and react to a visit from ICE.
Immigration enforcement in the workplace likely to increase By Shannon M. Shepherd Corporate Law Departments, June 2017 A look at how employers can anticipate, prepare, and react to a visit from ICE.
Message from the Chair By Shannon M. Shepherd Human and Civil Rights, June 2017 Shannon Shepherd shares her thoughts in her final column as Chair of the Human Rights Section.
Illinois appellate court takes position on special immigrant juvenile petition By Shannon M. Shepherd Human and Civil Rights, October 2015 In Estate of Nina L., the Illinois Appellate Court vacated the trial court’s refusal to make certain findings, which would allow a minor child to petition for immigration benefits as a Special Immigrant Juvenile.
Class action lawsuits should cause Illinois immigration practitioners to re-think advice to clients detained under the Immigration and Nationality Act’s “mandatory detention” provision By Shannon M. Shepherd Human and Civil Rights, June 2014 The Immigration and Nationality Act requires detention of non-citizens charged with removability who have committed certain crimes. But due to the prolonged nature of immigration court cases, this can sometimes lead to lengthy detention of non-citizens even after they have served their sentences for the crime committed—raising serious human rights and constitutional questions.
Upcoming CLE program By Shannon M. Shepherd Human and Civil Rights, March 2014 Sign up now for this informative seminar that will take place later this week.
Upcoming CLE program By Shannon M. Shepherd Human and Civil Rights, December 2013 Be sure to mark your calendar and attend this informative event!
What a difference a year makes for same-sex couples in Illinois By Shannon M. Shepherd Human and Civil Rights, December 2013 Governor Quinn signed the “Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act” on November 20, 2013, ending much speculation and confusion regarding Civil Unions and same-sex marriage in Illinois.
Immigration update: Can civil union partners in Illinois apply for immigration benefits? By Shannon M. Shepherd Human and Civil Rights, November 2012 Are federal immigration benefits are available for our clients in same-sex relationships living in Illinois?
Seventh Circuit speaks on time limits for filing motions to reopen in Sarmiento v. Holder By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, November 2012 In Sarmiento v. Holder, the Court analyzed the finality of immigration court and Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) decisions in the context of subsequent motions to reopen and reconsider.
Chinese culture and communications By Shannon M. Shepherd & Peter Y. Qiu International and Immigration Law, October 2010 When trying to cultivate relationships with any client, it is of the utmost importance to remain culturally adaptable, patient, flexible, and tolerant.
Former Attorney General overturns 20 years of board precedent in last days of office By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, April 2009 Former attorney General Michael Mukasey issued an order in the Matter of Compean, Bangaly, and J-E-C-, 24 I&N Dec. 710 (A.G. 2009), which purports to overturn Matter of Lozada and its progeny.
Diversity visas for 2009: Top five questions asked by clients By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, January 2008 The Diversity Visa (DV) lottery program for fiscal year 2009 had open registration from October 3, 2007, until midnight on December 2, 2007.
Message from the Chair By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, May 2007 A message from Section Chair Shannon Shepherd.
Message from the Chair By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, April 2007 Recently, your Section Council met at the offices of the Illinois Global Partnership, a non-profit organization dedicated to expanding the reach of Illinois goods and services throughout the world.
Message from the Chair By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, March 2007 A message from Section Chair Shannon Shepherd.
Message from the Chair By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, January 2007 A message from Section Chair Shannon Shepherd.
Message from the Chair By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, November 2006 A message from Section Chair Shannon Shepherd.
Message from the Chair By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, September 2006 A message from Section Chair Shannon Shepherd.
Message from the Chair By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, August 2006 A message from Section Chair Shannon Shepherd.
Chair’s column By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, July 2006 A message from Section Chair Shannon Shepherd.
An excellent program on international commercial arbitration By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, December 2005 The International & Immigration Law Section co-sponsored a complimentary program titled “Current Issues in International Commercial Arbitration” on Friday, November 11, 2005 at the ISBA Chicago Regional Office.
When the client’s testimony goes beyond what the asylum application described: adverse credibility, or consistent support? By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, November 2005 The Seventh Circuit has added to its string of recent cases addressing the careful standards the Court expects all applicants, counselors, and Immigration Judges (IJ’s) to conform to when faced with a claim for asylum.
Recent 7th Circuit cases pose warning to both Immigration Judges and practitioners: Do your homework! By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, July 2005 The 7th Circuit has been inundated with what Judge Richard A. Posner has called "misguided" opinions coming from the Immigration Judges ("IJs") in its district. A must-see for any asylum attorney By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, March 2005 From the novice to the seasoned veteran, the Web site is a resource no asylum practitioner should be without.
PAIR with a great Web site equals less time at the computer By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, March 2004 As an attorney with a small firm who represents many clients from Asia for both immigration and international business issues, I am always looking for ways to cut down on research time and expense by utilizing the Internet.
Read for yourself: French and German cases translated on the Web By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, May 2003 The University College of London (UCL) has emphasized comparative law since its first law professor came on board in 1826.
Authentication of documents for use abroad: Some helpful Web sites By Shannon M. Shepherd International and Immigration Law, December 2002 Using documents overseas that have been notarized in the United States is easy, if you know where to go.

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