Articles From Sara Siegall

Appellate court reverses dismissal of a financial fraud case: Rasgaitis v. Waterstone Financial Group By Sara Siegall Civil Practice and Procedure, May 2013 This recent decision offers useful reminders to civil litigators on a number of civil practices issues, and also teaches that statements concerning the suitability of a particular investment opportunity can be actionable as fraud where the statements are reasonably understood as grounded in fact rather than opinion.
Supreme court clarifies fraudulent misrepresentation pleading requirements By Sara Siegall Civil Practice and Procedure, August 2012 Bonhomme v. St. James serves as an important reminder that practitioners should take care to preserve adverse rulings for appeal, and that the failure to take small, simple steps may lead to big and unfortunate consequences. 
Illinois Appellate Court affirms preliminary injunction requiring American Airlines to allow ticket sales through Orbitz.Com: Travelport, LP v. American Airlines, Inc. By Sara Siegall Civil Practice and Procedure, June 2012 ITravelport, LP v. American Airlines, Inc., the court confirmed that, in a commercial case, plaintiff’s loss of reputation and goodwill can satisfy both the “irreparable harm” and “inadequate legal remedy at law” elements required for the entry of preliminary injunctive relief.

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