Articles From Amy Silberstein

The Trend Away From the ‘Every Other Weekend’ Parent By Amy Silberstein Child Law, May 2022 In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on a divorced parent with less parenting time having a more expanded parenting role and time schedule.
Co-Parenting During COVID-19 By Amy Silberstein Child Law, January 2021 An overview of some new and unexpected co-parenting challenges as a result of COVID-19 and advice on how to handle them.
How Applicable Is the Decision of In re Marriage of Salvatore? Only Time and Future Appeals Will Tell By Amy Silberstein Child Law, August 2019 The appellate court recently decided in In re Marriage of Salvatore that the full-time employment of your formerly unemployed ex-spouse does not constitute a substantial change in circumstances for purposes of modifying child support.

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