Articles From James W. Springer

Some observations on the legal status of American Indians and American Indian tribes By James W. Springer Human and Civil Rights, December 2004 The legal status of Indians and Indian tribes under American law is unique, distinctive, and at times eccentric.
The use of other discriminatory acts to prove liability: An analysis of recent Seventh Circuit jurisprudence By James W. Springer Federal Civil Practice, May 2004 English and American law have generally looked with disfavor on attempts to prove (or disprove) liability, through proof of acts or behavior on other occasions.
Reconciling the heart attack cases II By James W. Springer Workers’ Compensation Law, December 2003 This article updates all heart attack decisions by the Illinois appellate courts and Supreme Court since the author's 1997 article.
The legal status of local public entities under Illinois tort law By James W. Springer Tort Law, June 2002 The Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunities Act (the Tort Immunity Act), 745 ILCS 10/1-101 et seq., provides extremely favorable treatment for those persons who fall under its protection.

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