Senior citizens’ real estate tax exemptions for married persons
By Carl H. Stowe
Elder Law,
November 1999
Counsel helping senior citizens with application for any one of three exemptions which may apply to real property used as a home should be mindful of the fact that married persons who maintain separate residences qualifying as homestead property may not be entitled to the same relief as single persons who are over 65.
Senior citizens may be denied privilege to appeal adverse rulings on homestead exemptions
By Carl H. Stowe
Elder Law,
April 1999
Senior citizens who receive adverse rulings on applications for exemption upon the real property used as a home, such as the Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption (35 ILCS 200/15-170) or the Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption Assessment Freeze (35 ILCS 200/15-172) may find that they are unable to obtain review of such denial through the court.
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