NBCSL Resolution on Breed Bias
By Ledy VanKavage
Animal Law,
April 2022
In December, the National Black Caucus of State Legislators ratified Children, Youth and Family Services Resolution CYF-22-23 denouncing breed specific legislation because such laws are discriminatory in nature.
Herding cats (The Illinois Feral Cat Task Force)
By Ledy VanKavage
Animal Law,
April 2017
The recently created Feral Cat Task Force Resolution was charged with making recommendations for changes that would result in the effective management of feral and community cats, preserve wildlife, improve cat welfare, maintain property rights, and enhance public health.
Letter from the Chair
By Ledy VanKavage
Animal Law,
April 2017
A message from Animal Law Section Chair Ledy VanKavage.
Message from the Chair
By Ledy VanKavage
Animal Law,
September 2016
A message from Animal Law Section Chair Ledy VanKavage.
HEEL! Municipalities now restricting reckless dog owners
By Ledy Vankavage
Animal Law,
September 2015
If a dog is deemed dangerous or vicious under the state law and there is a subsequent incident, the owner can be guilty of a felony, thus city attorneys are encouraged to utilize the state provisions.
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