Articles From Anthony Zecchin

Effective jury waiver in criminal proceedings By Anthony Zecchin Young Lawyers Division, June 2005 The scope of this article is limited to jury waiver in criminal matters, i.e., misdemeanors and felonies, although "offense" is broadly defined as "a violation of any penal statute of this state." 725 ILCS 5/102-15.
Effective jury waiver in criminal proceedings By Anthony Zecchin Young Lawyers Division, April 2005 The scope of this article is limited to jury waiver in criminal matters, i.e., misdemeanors and felonies, although "offense" is broadly defined as "a violation of any penal statute of this state."
Miami Tribe of Oklahoma v. Walden —tribal land claim in Illinois and the government’s response By Anthony Zecchin Young Lawyers Division, August 2002 Although not prominently reported on or as well-known in the Chicago metropolitan area, the Miami Tribe lawsuit was, and continues to be, of great significance to many residents of east-central Illinois.

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